Morgan Samuel is name that appears under the majority of videos in our animation portfolio. You'll also see the name Morgan Samuel in the credits to Peter Jackson's Hobbit films as well as other blockbuster movies as Morgan spent over a decade working at Weta.

We see Morgan's sound effects work as an essential part of creating engaging, characterful animated pieces.

Try to imagine a horror film without sound to build suspense, or a stadium filled with fans, but with no cheering. Sound effects add suspense and bring scenes to life whilst emphasising key visual elements in a shot.

Whilst many sound engineers simply rely on stock effects Morgan often goes to crazy lengths to ensure he can be proud of his work, safe in the knowledge that he's done a great job.

Check out this recent article on Morgan from to see how he created cricket bat sounds in his back yard for our recent Cricket World Cup animation with ESPN.

It was great work from Morgan along with the great folk over at ESPN that helped us win a NYPC journalism award for Internet Feature Video on our previous project with them - Welcome to the College Football Playoff
