Lottie Animations & Bodymovin


Lottie is a library that allows apps to natively use Adobe After Effects animations in real time. By exporting .json files from After Effects using the Bodymovin extension, the geniuses at Airbnb Design have created a way for animators like us to quickly and simply export high quality animations to digital developer clients. Making animations smoother, more manageable and without the app user needing to download heavy animation files.

At Cub Studio, we are increasingly being asked to produce animated content for apps and mobile. This often throws up numerous issues with regards to file sizes, image quality and the archaic, yet all pervasive formats like the animated GIF. Thankfully, the internet is populated by an elite cadre of smart people encountering the same issues, and thus Lottie was created!

Check out some more examples of our Lottie animations, Below we highlight some of the great benefits of using the Lottie technology.



Vector image quality

Lottie files are comprised of code describing moving vectors. As such, the images created are not dependant on pixels and issues that relate to their relative resolution.

You can blow these animations up to full screen and they remain as clear as their thumbnails.

Smooth playback & high FPS

As well as not being constrained by rasterised resolution, Lottie files aren’t driven by fixed frame rates. This allows files to play back at 60fps.

At twice the standard frame rate of traditional broadcast media, these animations appear butter smooth.

Tiny file sizes

Lottie files are relatively tiny, compared to image sequences and incur no compression, dithering or colour loss of archaic gif formats.

With almost zero load time and no storage mean these animations are super light weight and are able to sit almost anywhere.

Versatility & flexibility

As well as all this, Lottie files have few issues with alpha channels, corruption and theft of content, colour problems associated with rendering compression.

Lottie is an incredibly powerful tool for use in all sorts of places.